Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ken Robinson - school kills creativity

This is a great TED talk about creativity.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Windows 8 code samples

For some great code examples for Windows Store applications take a look here.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Send email from Windows Azure

I found this example on MSDN that explains how to send and receive email in an Windows Azure application. The example uses SendGrid that is a cloud-based email service.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Great book about Web API design

If you are developing Web API:s that are RESTful this free ebook provided by Apigee is a good source for ideas on how to design a good API. You can also find more free ebooks from Apigee here.

Host Web API service in Windows Azure Website

Found this nice blog post by Brian H. Prince that gives an easy explanation on how to host a Web API REST service in a Windows Azure Web site. Have a look here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


A couple of weeks ago Microsoft introduced TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that provides static typing. The intention is to make it easier for developers to maintain and develop large codebases of JavaScript. TypeScript is compiled into JavaScript.

For more information about TypeScript take a look at the following presentations by Anders Hejlsberg:
- Introduction to typescript can be found here.
- TypeScript keynote from the GOTO conference can be found here.

Asynchronous Programming in .NET 4.5

Asynchronous programming is an important concept when it comes to creating responsive user interfaces. This page on MSDN gives a good explanation on how to handle asynchronous programming in .NET 4.5 with async and await keywords. Also have a look at this page for more information about parallel programming in .NET.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

QCon 2008 - Presentations worth watching

Born to cycle
Presented by Linda Rising
The presentation can be found here.

Trends in agile development
Presented by Kent Beck
The presentation can be found here.

QCon 2007 - Presentations worth watching

Developing Expertise: Herding racehorses, racing sheep
Presented by Dave Thomas
A talk about how we develope expertise and how our need for support and directions differ depending on how skilled we are. The presentation can be found here.

Agile architecture is not fragile architecture
Presented by James Coplien and Kevlin Henney
A talk about the balance between no upfront design and big upfront design.The presentation can be found here.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Red pill Scrum

James Coplien held a really interesting presentation about the roots of Scrum and the values behind the process at LinkedIn in august this summer. You can find the presentation here.

Read more about Bloom's Taxonomy here, also try Scrum Knowsy.
The Scrum Guide that is mentioned in the presentation can be found here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Microsoft patterns and practices on CQRS

Microsoft patterns and practices released a guidance on CQRS and event sourcing this summer and it can be found here.

There is also a video on CQRS on channel 9 here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jim Coplien - Scrum presentation

James Coplien did a great presentations about common things that Scrum teams do wrong at Agile Finland. You can find the presentation here.

Some additional links from the presentation:
Illegitimus Non Interruptus
Nokia Scrum test

Thursday, July 12, 2012


NuGet is a great extension to Visual Studio that makes it easier to manage third party libraries used in your .NET solutions. If you have Visual Studio 2010 NuGet is installed via the extension manager and if you are using Visual Studio 2012 NuGet is already pre-installed.

NuGet out of the box is set up to retrieve packages from the NuGet gallery, but you can add your own local NuGet feeds as well, for information look here. It's also possible to host your own NuGet feed at

General steps for creating a NuGet package from a Visual Studio project:
1. Download and install NuGet.exe.
2. Create a project for your package (remember to add info to AssemblyCompany in AssemblyInfo.cs)
3. Run 'nuget spec' in the folder of your project to create a nuspec file for your project
4. Update your created .nuspec file (Release notes, projectURL etc.)
5. Run 'nuget pack' in the folder of your project to create the .nupkg file for your project package.

For a more detailed description on how to create and publish your own NuGet package, look here.

You can find a great introduction to NuGet by Phil Haack presented at NDC Oslo 2012 here and there is also NuGet documentation available. Also look at the MSDN article Manage Project Libraries NuGet.

To understand how versioning is handled by NuGet take a look at semantic versioning.

Friday, June 15, 2012

NDC 2012 videos available

Videos for the presentations from 2012 edition of the Norwegian Developer Conference (NDC) are now available here.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Presentation of how to create awesome API:s

If you're interested in ideas on how to create awesome web service API:s, take a look at Jon Dahl:s presentation from Öredev 2011, you find the video here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Windows 8 Consumer Preview launched

Windows 8 Consumer Preview has been launched today. You can find a presentation here and download it from here.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dan Pink's talk about what motivates us at work

If you haven't seen Dan Pink's talks about motivation you should definitly see them. You find the RSA Animate version here, and the talk from TED here.

Shawn Achor talk about happines and work

Another inspiring talk that adresses the problem with us thinking that work makes us happy, when it actually might be the other way around, you can see it here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bret Victor's talk about principle

Bret Victor's talk about having a principle to follow throughout your life is truly inspiring and a must see, you find it here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ÖreDev 2011 videos

The videos from the ÖreDev 2011 conference are finally starting to be available on Vimeo here. Videos from ÖreDev 2010 are also available on Vimeo and can be found here.